Important Notice
We are pleased to announce that effective 04 December 2024, Semilab
(https://semilab.com/) has acquired MicroVacuum Kft.’s OWLS and QCM technologies.
We are currently carrying out a review of the sales distribution and support
structure and initiating a plan to harmonize with Semilab’s global sales and
support organization. For existing systems in the field, Semilab will make best
efforts to maintain a continuous supply of spare parts, and where possible may
also quote field service support. Further information will be communicated as
it becomes available.
In case of any urgent needs or questions during the transition period, please
don’t hesitate to contact our primary sales support in our Semilab Budapest
HQ at [email protected].

MicroVacuum Ltd. was founded in 1987.
Our headquarters and laboratory are located in Budapest, Hungary.
Our main activities include the development of analytical lab equipments including OWLS and QCM based instruments, label-free biosensor devices, accessories and sensor chips. We also provide R&D consultancy for custom development of surface science solutions in various industries and for technologies for special thin film deposition applications.
The Optical Waveguide Lightmode Spectroscopy (OWLS) , and Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Impedance Measurement systems and sensor chips are marketed worldwide. Our customers are from the life-science, food, battery research, space exploration, and oil industry to name a few and also from universities and government research laboratories. We sell directly in Europe, and directly or through distributors in the rest of world.
Leading companies and research institutions from all over the world are using our QCM and OWLS technologies for studying surface interactions. Clients include: Roche, Amgen, Nokia Bell Labs, Yale University, BASF, Northwestern University, Oregon State University, University of South Australia, Technical University of Denmark, Cranfield University and many others.